Dear Lisa, Today I came across the terrible news that Chris has died. I am so sorry. As a wife and a mom, I am heartbroken for you. And as someone who had the distinct pleasure of your husband's company in the dog park as well as the dentist chair, I am reeling from the loss. Your boys. How lucky they were to have had almost two decades with Chris as their father. They will be okay. I can't imagine a better example, a better mentor, a better man from whom to learn about life. They will take good care of you in the coming weeks and months. They've been taught well. My husband and I adopted our dog Ralph in 2003, and started going to Doige Park every morning to let him run, which is where we met Brutus and Jake...and their owner. It was shortly before your beloved Jake passed away, and I remember how emotional he was about it. I baked you brownies, because I could see that this was a family who loved each other - dogs included - wholeheartedly, and I wanted to give some comfort where it was needed. When we learned that Chris was a dentist, my husband and I started going to the practice he shared on Richmond. We were thrilled when he opened his own practice, but were able to visit him there only once before we left London in 2007. Since then, we have referred several friends to him, and I think of your family each time I pull out your old breadmaker that we bought at your yard sale. Every time we saw him, we were struck by his genuineness, his charisma, his sense of humour. That laugh. Really a grown-man giggle. It was impossible to walk away from a visit with him without feeling great. He infused life with energy and laughter. And he was just cool. I've read many comments today that describe his ability to make people feel special. I have to admit that I secretly believed that my husband and I were two of his favourite patients. Of course I now realize that this was his gift. He made a choice every day to really engage every person he met, and to take the time to connect with them. I can't say that we really knew him well, but the impact he had on our lives is real. He was a truly great man, and our hearts go out to you and your family. The Cowgers