Jack was born in February, 1960, so he was about two weeks older than I am - and often would jokingly remind me to respect my elders. Jack was my Senior Warden the year I was Master of Centennial Lodge, and followed me into the East in 1996. I really enjoyed sitting with him as IPM, but was always on my toes, because sometimes he would ask me to do something with little warning (like obligating the candidate - now V.W. Bro. Mark Gordon - in the second degree, as we came off the dias to the altar). He was always a pleasure to work with, he had a good sense of humour, and loved being a Freemason. Jack affiliated with Middlesex 379 on March 22, 2016, and was number 373 on our roll. In addition to being a member of Centennial 684 and Middlesex 379, Jack was an active Scottish Riter, being a member of London Lodge of Perfection, London Sovereign Chapter of Rose Croix, and the Moore Consistory. He also was a member of Mocha Shrine. Jack was a member of the London Valley Property Committee for almost 30 years (Jack Baskey was good at recruiting the young guys from Centennial!). He did parts in the 7th, 11th, and 12th degrees - and we often joked about greeting each other with the token out on the street - do you tap my phalanx first, or do I tap yours? When I think of Jack, I think of when his kids were born (they're of a similar age to Don and Melissa); of Centennial Lodge Christmas parties that he and Lisa organized, of family picnics at McIntyre's where I was barbequeing and Jack poured a bucket of cold water down my back because I looked hot (i was!). I think of a friend who stopped by the house for a cup of coffee because he was up to Exeter to service some scales, or would call just to shoot the breeze. He was truly one of the "good guys". As Masons we are taught to consider death to be the end of all earthly toil and affliction, and an entrance to a better life. While we grieve for our loss, let's be thankful for time we had together, and a firm belief that we will meet again. "Happy to meet - sorry to part - happy to meet again"