Obituary of Ethan Mathieu James Rudderham
Our precious little angel Ethan Mathieu James Rudderham, you will always be a precious gift, a sweet memory and Mommy’s hero.
Ethan was born sleeping at 23 weeks gestation on Friday, May 10th, 2019 at 4:10 p.m., weighing a mere 1 lb. 3 oz. and measuring 12 inches (he would have been tall like Daddy). Ethan was born beautiful with a hint of the ‘Majer’ nose, long legs and very big feet. Mommy and Daddy agree that he would have looked more like Mommy and to that, she says, “I win!”
Ethan was met and carried home by his Opa. Ethan’s Mommy and Daddy are comforted by the fact that he is surrounded by the families’ loved ones and friends that have previously passed who will care for him and cherish him.
Ethan is loved deeply and will be achingly missed by his Mommy and Daddy (Danielle and Michael), his big sisters Melanie and Kaylee and his big brothers Conner and Landon.
Ethan’s Nana (Connie) would like to say, “My boy, God took you home today and I am truly broken. My love and adoration for you is endless and the time spent with you was precious. Your strength and courage will be with me forever. You fly high with the angels, my boy, I love you.” Auntie Anjali and Quintin are also crushed by the loss of Ethan.
Ethan’s Mimi (Lynda) would like to say, “My sweet baby boy, how I was looking forward to meeting you; to hold you, kiss you and smell your sweet baby smell. I am so very happy that you enjoyed when I read you ‘The Fox and the Hound’ last week. Mommy said you gave her a couple of kicks. I wish with everything I have that this would have turned out differently and that you could stay here and grow up with your family; however, I am blessed and truly grateful that you were Mommy’s hero. Your Papas, your Aunties (Sherisse, Deanna and Dallas), Scott, Gramma (Pat) and all your cousins are devastated that you couldn’t stay here with us."
Danielle and Michael would like to thank the staff at LHSC Victoria Campus for all of their hard work and support. They would like to send a special thank you to Drs. Lovett, Lammers, Kirby, Muruncic and Moore and the most amazing nurses Sarah, Michelle, Robin, Nicole, Caitlin and Zue to name a few.
Ethan’s GoFundMe page has been set up for Ethan’s funeral expenses at
A Celebration of Life will be conducted at 7:00 p.m., at WESTVIEW FUNERAL CHAPEL, 709 Wonderland Road North, London on Thursday, May 16, 2019. Family will receive friends following the service.
'Let him sleep, for when he wakes he will move mountains.'