I could write pages about Nevol---he was my dearest beloved friend, confidante and international travel buddy of 21years. Gone too soon! He was, as most of you know, a unique man: loving, incredibly generous of his time, kind, funny, and willing to help someone even when he was ill. I met him (Anchorage Airport, 1997), he had a bottle of water. I asked him if he had bought the water at the airport, he said "yes, at the concession stand downstairs." I thanked him, walked away and he said: "I'll take you there." We learned we were taking the same ssRotterdam cruise (Seward to Vancouver). We became fast friends. We've taken many vacations together including the Inaugural 2007/2008 msQueen Victoria 16-day cruise (Southampton to the Canary Isles) & spent overnights at Niagara Falls & Toronto, as well as our homes. Our weekly conversations spanned the thousands of miles that separated us—he in London, Ontario and me in the S.F. Bay Area, California. He & I introduced each other to many respective friends. Here he met my sis Barb, hubby John & daughter, Emma; my dearest friends/"family" of 49 years Elly & her hubby Bill (Math Ph.D.,UCB Emeritus); my Chabot College colleagues and my dearest, longtime friends in England. He charmed the socks of everybody! He made everyone feel like #1. They have all expressed their sorrow. Nevol's sweet spirit is spread far and wide. We were partners in a different sense. I am glad he is out of pain. I will miss him until the end of time. I hope that we carry on his unique gift of widening and enhancing friendships, as best we can, in this distraught world of ours. He will live on in each of us, reminding us to love everyone. He loved us all, in all of our quirky ways; with our faults and insensitivities—he was such a true friend to us all. Julia Dickinson