Dear Erdal,Velo,and Family Members:The Cross and Tenhaaf families are deeply saddened by the recent passing of your brother Jaak who was an outstanding senior Football Player at Westminister Highschool,here in London,Ontario from September1968-June 1972 under coach Peter Morninstar way back then ,also a valued member of our close knit student community with his great love of sports and his true academic expertise shown in his academic pursuits regardless of the subject s he took in his many classes ,always with a smile on his face ,enjoying this great time in his life with a city championship in 1970 with this sort under his belt and his love of adventure which ultimately laid the groundwork for a life cut short by his travel adventures per se,ultimately not forgotten by his fellow WestministAlumni members9CircaSeptember1968-June1974 was my priviledge as a volunteer staff member the past 30 years to look after this fine outstanding gentleman at Parkwood Institute as a front line customer service representative on the Front Desk.I hope with all my heart staff met the challeges presented to us on a daily basis while looking after your family member.It was but a small token of appreciation to Jak for all the great times we had in highschool way back when.Consequently our lives have been truly enriched by these bonds of friendship who will last a lifetime always.God Bless your family from this day forward.Yours Sincerely,Brian Cross,Claas of 1972,Darlene Tenhaaf,class of 1974,Harry Tenhaaf Senior FootballClass of 1973,LondonOontario,and Brenda Cross Martin class of 1971 Scarborough,Ontario.Take Care please,stay safe,and better days ahead for you all as Jakk;s legacy will live on for many years to come through the many lives he truly touched in London,Ontario,and beyond its borders for sure when he was in better health back in the day .