Mike, Matt, Eric & Mark: We are so so sad to hear about Sylvia's passing. I first met Sylvia and her sister Ruth around 1978. I had just finished high school and took a fabulous & fun summer job at WigAMog Inn in Haliburton. I can still see the first time I met Sylvia with her magnetic smile and her starched waitress uniform. Her positive energy made you want to be with her and all good people she would attract. Back in those days we did not have E mail and so we lost touch until part way through UWO when we bumped into each other. We shared a few laughs and caught up on news about Shay, Ruth, Larry, Cathy and others that had shared the summer of '78. Again, our lives got busy with careers and family and we lost touch. As fate would have it, about 15 years ago we bumped into each other walking around the neighbourhood. We were thrilled to discover that we lived a few streets away from each other. We continued to bump into each other as I walked my dog or was with my family. She loved to walk frequently with Mike. When we saw each other, it was like no time had ever passed. We shared updates on our families and careers. I remember how proud she was of Mike and the 3 boys. Her eyes and smile just radiated profound love and admiration for their accomplishments as well as the silly things that teens (now young man) do. She also loved to give me updates about her extended family too. I remember meeting her dad a few times when he came to London. Wow did she love family! I know that she also loved her nursing career and the various roles she took on. I was not sure how she did it all with grace and such energy. I also always loved to ask her questions as I loved the tone and melody of her voice. Beautiful just like her. She was just easy to be with. I am so sorry that I just discovered this sad news or I would have shared my condolences at the visitation or funeral. I share this story as I did not know Sylvia to the depth that many of you do but I am so touched and honoured that our life paths crossed and crossed again. This shows the positive affect she had on so many people and the loss that so many will feel. May your spirituality give you comfort in this most difficult time. I will end with a quote that I pray gives you some comfort: " Life is an eternal gift that never truly leaves once it touches another life with love" (source unknown). God Bless