"Ruthless, psychopathic crackhead" barely begins to describe this foul, soulless, monster of a man, completely lacking in conscience. Praying on plain, unwanted women, he shagged his way around the block into enough cash to keep himself in crack 24/7 by being utterly two-faced: Mr. Charm when he wanted something out of you, a violent punk if you needed something from him. For Randy seemed to regard that people who stood up to him had to be destroyed, but those who were kind to him were weak and deserved to be alleviated of their worldly possessions. Before I realized what he really was like, I had the misfortune of subletting to him. Not only did he stiff me for the rent and walked off with $100 of my cash, but he ran up $2,400 in sex-call chatlines at my home in the last ten days after I told him he would have to leave at the end of the month. During this time, he took up with a married woman whom he persuaded to abandon her kids, only to ditch her after she became pregnant. Worse, before I knew what he was like, I had introduced him to a single mother who I knew and before I could stop it, she let him take her 8-year old out for the day. After plying her with gifts, he doped her out and, whilst she was unconscious, something occurred that caused her to start gushing blood from her nether regions – not hard to guess what had happened. Incredibly, he still managed to sweet talk the mother out of calling the Police. A few months after I had kicked him out of my apartment, he just stormed in, up the stairs to my study and demanded that I use my company checking account to fraud the bank to bail him out of a drug deal. He said that if he did not manage to get the cash that he would have to start hurting people. Bizarrely, I did not realize that he was threatening me with serious violent if I did not pay up, however, I did stand him $600 which, of course he never paid back. Following that, my family and I have had to remain ex-directory for our own protection. Following conversations with the local Police, I discovered that Randy was also sought urgently as he was renown for buying drugs "on tick" and then savagely beating up the dealers when they came looking for their money, but, as the Police did not have his name and address, they could do nothing about him. Randy's death is truly a God Given Act of mercy for all his victims, albeit, coming 40 years too late, for the world would have been a better place if only he had been smothered at birth. Discovering he's dead is a true blessing and I shall be opening a bottle of champagne to celebrate tonight.